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The Biggest 流媒体 Mergers 和 Acquisitions of 2015


All types of media saw significant consolidation in 2015, reinforcing 和 accelerating a trend that started in 2014. Whether it was Amazon acquiring the 华盛顿邮报》, 或者威瑞森收购美国在线, 2015年是新旧媒体向移动和视频媒体转型的标志性一年.

放眼全局, the number of mergers 和 acquisitions in three key spaces—digital media, 信息, 与2014年同期相比,2015年前6个月的技术增长了近25%.

According to investment bank Coady Diemar Partners, “the total number of these deals increased to 1,2015年上半年为243家, 从1开始,但整体并购价值同比下降了近23%,仅略低于1000亿美元. 该公司表示,这“主要是由于10亿美元及以上的交易数量减少。.”

Let’s look at the top mergers 和 acquisitions for 2015 in digital media, 和 their bearing on the streaming media l和scape. 

[编者注:你会注意到,本文没有提到2015年最大的两笔收购. Click the links to read our coverage of A亚马逊网络服务公司以5亿美元的价格收购了Elemental Technologies公司 和 Ericsson's acquisition of Envivio for $125 million.]

Verizon Acquires AOL, Which Acquires Millennial

This string of mergers reshaped the l和scape in a small way, or at least gave AOL another lease on life. 这家曾经声名狼藉的互联网服务提供商,其过去令人讨厌的营销策略,几乎与十多年前那场命运多舛的合并一样出名。当时,它被划归时代华纳(Time Warner)旗下,直到更理智的人占据上风.


“The business was up against a phenomenon I refer to as transient advantage,丽塔·冈瑟·麦格拉思写道, a Columbia Business School professor of business strategy. 麦格拉思说, 瞬时优势是, 好吧, 短暂的, “namely when a combination of capabilities that at one point made a firm a leader, erodes 和 is replaced by the next form of competitive advantage.”

McGrath pointed out that AOL’s online presence was strong, in fact stronger than any presence that Time Warner had been able to build, 所以合并在一开始是有意义的. 这可能是对Verizon的一个警告, 虽然, 比如收购美国在线, 2015年年中完成, 是为了让威瑞森更快地进入OTT和移动视频内容领域.

“这次收购支持了我们为消费者提供跨屏幕连接的战略, creators 和 advertisers to deliver that premium customer 经验,洛厄尔·麦克亚当, Verizon董事长兼首席执行官, 在一份事先准备好的声明中说.

“我们对在数字连接的世界中共同绘制新航线的前景感到兴奋,麦克亚当说. “在威瑞森, we’ve been strategically investing in emerging technology, including Verizon Digital Media Services 和 OTT, that taps into the market shift to digital content 和 advertising. AOL’s advertising model aligns with this approach, 广告平台为我们开发未来的收入来源提供了一个关键工具.”

With the ink barely dry on the AOL-Verizon deal, AOL itself announced that it was acquiring Millennial, 这是一个移动广告平台,AOL希望利用它来扩大自己的数字移动广告平台. 千禧一代一直保持独立, 然后在2012年进行了IPO,之后收购了一些小的移动广告平台. 虽然该公司已经筹集了1.3亿美元,并短暂估值约为20亿美元, it fell prey to industry consolidation. AOL’s final purchase price of Millennial was just over $200 million, when the acquisition was completed in late October 2015.


The semiconductor market is continuing to consolidate, with Intel chipping away at semiconductors for key market verticals.

6月1日,英特尔(Intel)宣布有意收购Altera,这是半导体行业整合的最新案例. 英特尔计划以每股54美元的价格收购altera,这是该公司有史以来最大的一笔收购,由首席执行官布莱恩•科再奇(Brian Krzanich)执掌. 《百家乐软件》 billed the purchase as a major bet on the Internet of Things (IoT), as 好吧 as data centers 和 media delivery chipsets.

英特尔“实际上押注了16美元.70亿美元——相当于它的全部现金储备,然后再加上它将自己的技术与Altera的技术相结合,创造出一种新型芯片的能力,” 《百家乐软件》 2015年6月报道. This came just a few months after NXP acquired 免费的scale, 另一家生产无线通信设备和一些视频中心芯片的公司, 为11美元.50亿年.


This might not seem like a natural fit for this article, but Western Digital has long been interested in media delivery. 还有什么比收购首屈一指的非易失性存储器(NVM)存储提供商更好的方式来进一步推动媒体的获取和交付呢, SanDisk?

“Western Digital 和 SanDisk’s complementary product lines, 包括硬盘驱动器, 固态硬盘, cloud datacenter storage solutions 和 flash storage solutions, 将为从消费者到数据中心的一系列更广泛的产品和技术提供基础,” according to a Western Digital press release.

这还不是最后的决定, 和 the acquisition is subject to shareholder approval in mid-2016, 但是有超过15个,000 combined patents issued or pending worldwide, 合并后的公司将在在线和离线存储市场占有相当大的份额.

事实上, 此次收购已获得两家公司董事会的批准, 价格尚未确定, 这在很大程度上是因为紫光公司之前宣布对闪迪公司进行投资.

“如果紫光公司之前宣布的对西部数据的投资在此次收购之前完成, 西部数据将支付85美元.每股10美元现金,每股0.0176 shares of Western Digital common stock per share of SanDisk common stock,” a Western Digital spokesperson says. “If the Unisplendour transaction has not closed or has been terminated, $67.50现金,0.2387 shares of Western Digital common stock per share of SanDisk common stock.”



其目的是将思科的数据中心产品线和以媒体为中心的硬件与爱立信庞大的服务组织相结合. The aim is to generate more than $2 billion in new revenue by 2018, split evenly between the two companies.

根据… 博文作者: 流媒体的 丹·雷伯恩, “the announced partnership aims at modernizing their broadb和, 电视和蜂窝网络,以适应不断飙升的OTT视频消费,并与谷歌光纤(谷歌 Fiber)和网飞(Netflix)等新服务相抗衡. 从长远来看,这也使它们处于有利地位,可以满足5G无线网络的需求.”

Measure Twice, Report Once: ComScore和Rentrak

在2015年的最后一个月, ComScore和Rentrak, 这两家公司都在纳斯达克上市, announced a definitive merger agreement in a stock-for-stock merger.

合并背后的想法, 哪些在2016年初关闭, 是ComScore的数字受众和广告解决方案分析与Rentrak基于人口普查的全球电影和视频点播测量工具的结合.

这个组合将, 根据公司的说法, “更全面地了解人们现在和未来消费媒体的方式”,因为合并后的组织可以以当今流媒体和OTT行业无法比拟的规模进行测量和分析.

Whether this is another transient advantage play is yet unknown, 尽管该公司发言人表示,这一组合将“拥有独特的知识广度, 经验, 专业知识, 和 skill sets that cannot be duplicated” at this point.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

20 for 20: The Top Mergers 和 Acquisitions of the Past 20 Years

流媒体 has been around for 20 years, 和 has seen a lot of interesting technologies, 机会, 还有商业头脑.

The Biggest 流媒体 Mergers 和 Acquisitions of 2016

尼亚加拉, IBM, ComScore, 和 更多的: 2016 yielded lower innovation, 更大的整合, 还有一大堆高价的M&一个活动.

The Biggest 流媒体 Mergers 和 Acquisitions of 2014

A look back on the past year's mergers 和 acquisitions, with an eye toward what they portend for the future.

The Biggest 流媒体 Mergers 和 Acquisitions of 2013

From Samsung buying up Boxee to multiple acquisitions by Verizon 和 Yahoo, 过去的一年充满了M&一个活动 that reflected streaming's ever-shifting l和scape.

Streamticker 2008: The Year in Mergers, Acquisitions, 和 Investments

The deals that made 2008—the good, the bad, 和 the cheap

Streamticker 2007: The Year in Mergers, Acquisitions, 和 Fundings

2007年被证明是合法的点对点网络和高清流媒体的一年, 但更大的新闻是,这些“大孩子”涉足流媒体领域的方式,让一些规模较小的公司对它们的大兄弟姐妹产生了敬畏.

Streamticker 2006: The Deals That Reshaped the Online Video Space

谷歌, Adobe, Vitalstream, 更多人将科技公司的并购重新置于主流媒体的中心舞台