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2023年3月/ 4月-资料手册



如果您捕获的视频出现问题, high-quality audio will go a long way to compensate for it. 观众通常会容忍劣质视频, but no one in the world will watch video with absent or poor audio. My advice to any streaming producer is to get the best audio setup you can afford for your video rig. 投资总是值得的.


Thanks to bonding and some of the other technologies discussed in this guide, 发送故障的日子, 给观众的缓冲视频应该在我们后面. 请继续阅读,了解许多可用的选项, 在各种各样的价格点, to ensure that streaming professionals can deliver the best video possible.

Buyers’ Guide: Podcast Mixers for 在线直播 Production

Today's video producers are now able to leverage new technologies that can really help with the live streaming production—especially on-location. By utilizing what are commonly called "podcast mixers,“百家乐软件app最新版下载可以提供更多的润色, 同时在生产中获得更好的灵活性.


任何时候你开始使用新的编解码器, there are some fundamental tests that you should run to achieve optimal performance/quality optimization. 在本文中, I'll take you through those tests while encoding VVC using a version of FFmpeg that includes the Fraunhofer VVC codec.


FFmpeg was designed as a cross-platform solution for video and audio recording, 转换, 以及使用简单的静态命令行进行流式传输. Using variables and "for loops" in a command string simplifies the reuse of existing scripts and helps automate their operation. While you can't use these scripts in the Windows Command window, you can use Microsoft PowerShell in Windows and Bash on Linux and the Mac. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create and run such scripts with PowerShell and Bash.

Streamticker:最大的流媒体合并 & 2022年的收购

A look at the streaming industry's most notable mergers and acquisitions of 2022, from WarnerBros-Discovery to Microsoft/Activision to Limelight/Edgecast to Dolby/Millicast to Telestream/Encoding.Com和更多


Video's role in schools is taken for granted entering 2023, 尽管我们应该期待看到变化, 潜在的破坏性的, in the educational video market as schools continue to adapt to the aftermath of the COVID-19 state of emergency phase. Despite the widely held belief that video is essential to school operations, expect to see schools roll back their investments in video services, while educators seek out ways to go beyond the basics of video delivery, finding better ways to engage students both with synchronous and asynchronous video.


From road warriors to remote-only companies, enterprise video is shifting. 委婉地说,这是一种不断变化的状态. 但与此同时,商业状况也是如此. 考虑到这两个事实, the question I'll attempt to answer in this year's State of Enterprise Video is whether these coexistent movements will occur in lockstep or as polar opposites.


2022年是体育运动, the appointment-to-view genre with massive audiences and revenues, moved to the center of major streaming provider strategies.


The formula for business funding and investment typically looks something like this: Identify a problem, 用一个有利可图的解决方案来解决这个问题, 一个伟大的团队, 以及巨大的增长潜力. 但在媒体技术领域, there's something else most companies are fighting against: moving customers to a SaaS model and winning over media companies that want to build everything in-house. 考虑到这些固有的挑战, what are the areas where investment looks like a good idea for companies in this industry?


Netflix may have pioneered online pay TV on-demand with a model that every other SVOD chased. From April 2022, a pivot was required of every player, Netflix included.


在本文中, we'll look at the state of real-time streaming a few months into 2023, including several use cases that hold longer-term promises. 但在此之前, 这是实时流的基本定义, as used in the survey: Real-time streaming is "device-synchronized delivery to hundreds of thousands of viewers at less than 500 milli­seconds per user."


Streaming media business and monetization models expanded and diversified in 2022 and sent a clear message: Paid subscription models were a necessary gateway to widespread streaming adoption, but now ad-supported viewing has a chance to flourish.


欢迎来到2023年的编解码器更新. I'm here to help you decide whether it's time to go all in on AV1, VVC, LCEVC, 还是EVC,还是继续用H更好.264、VP9和HEVC. 一路走来, I'll include 2022-2023 updates to identify significant changes that have occurred since last year.



如果“人工智能会抢走我们的工作吗??" question is premature, it's also far from the most interesting topic these experiments raise. Rather, it's how can we get better answers by asking better questions?


Survey Says: Video QC and Monitoring Are Essential for Streaming Quality, 体验质量, 和客户保留率

Interra Systems and streaming media industry expert Dan Rayburn conducted a survey in 2022 to better understand the steps media companies are taking to quality control (QC) and monitor their content. The survey collected data from media industry decision makers. This white paper digs into the 155 participants' responses and explores key findings, including why companies are implementing QC and monitoring, 他们这样做的程度, 以及他们面临的主要挑战.


MWareTV's Cees van Versendaal explains why a one-stop shop managed IPTV service is the key to reducing churn and driving revenue.

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