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杂志 特性

Live 视频制作 Hits the Biggest Tech Show on Earth: CES

今年, the CTA decided to live stream panel discussions from CES, but it made the decision at the last minute with no time left for testing.

The Worldwide Video Revolution Is Happening on Small Screens

Inexpensive access to smartphones is letting people around the world add their voices to the chorus, creating a new wave of user-generated content.

Educators, Embrace the Power of Video Editing and Trim the Fat

Think there's no way to trim that glorious hour-long lecture down to a tight six minutes? 再想想. Edit it into a concise video that students can easily absorb.

OTT's Me-Too Experimentation: So Many Choices, So Little Variety

While new over-the-top services appear weekly, they all follow the same model. Shouldn't there be more diversity in the streaming space? Or maybe there already is.

The Decline of the Standards-Based Codec—and Good Riddance

Online is different from broadcast and doesn't need formal standards. HEVC isn't considered by many online video streamers, as the future belongs to VP9 and AV1.

Online Video Piracy: Serious Threat or Seriously Overblown?

Video piracy is widespread, but there's no consensus on how big the problem is or the best response to it. Are the biggest media companies in Hollywood throwing their money away trying to fight it?

VP9 Finally Comes of Age, But Is it Right for Everyone?

Publishers and encoding companies alike are beginning to embrace VP9, Google's open source codec. Here's how it stacks up on quality and data rates.

How Do You Spell Over-the-Top Streaming Success?

Where are all the cord-cutters? Without more attention to quality of experience from a user perspective, OTT will never truly compete with broadcast.

Programmatic Ad Buying: And Now a Word From Our Sponsors

The combination of programmatic ad buying and advances in ad insertion technology promise to revolutionize the advertising experience for buyers, 出版商, 和观众. So what's taking so long?

Review: V-Nova Perseus: Does its Compression Live Up to the Hype?

London-based V-Nova has made some impressive claims about Perseus, its compression technology. 流媒体's preliminary testing shows that it lives up to some of them.


An End to the Wild West: It's Time for Streaming Standards!

Enough with the codec confusion. The online video space won't really thrive until industry standards are put in place and enforced by the government.


Do Off-the-Shelf Video Solutions Make the Grade for Elearning?

When smaller educational organizations look for affordable online video systems, they don't find the features that come standard in advanced elearning platforms.


Making the Case for Government-Mandated Online Video Standards

Will there ever be one ring to rule them all? it's time for the online video industry to take a page from TV and create interoperable standards.

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